Results for "search"
(2332 matches)

Event Date: 03/20/2020
Links This is the original page with text on the left side and a download link on the right. The goal is to find which variant encourages more users to click the link. Download here To try out the example, first make sure that A/B testing is enabled in
Settings -> On...

Download here Download here MVT Test Download here This is a sample page where multivariate testing is used to evaluate the button in the area below to find out which background color
gets the best results. To try out the example, first make sure that M...

On-line marketing This section contains examples of the on-line marketing features that can be used with Kentico documents, including the following: Optimization - these techniques allow you to test different versions of pages, and evaluate them according to the behavior o...

Page optimization There are two different optimization techniques that you can use to evaluate potential modifications of your pages: A/B testing - divides incoming traffic between two or more different versions of a page. Each version is a separate document
in the con...

The Top N products by sale web part displays the top N best-selling products. The best-selling products are chosen according to the frequency of their occurrence in customers' orders, not according to the total volume of sales. For instance, if a customer
buys 10 items of p...

The Document wizard is a set of web parts that allow you to lead users through a sequence of steps on the website. The wizard uses standard documents in the site's content tree to define steps, which provides the following advantages: Full control
over step content ...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam faucibus vestibulum turpis. Vivamus tincidunt sem a tellus. Cras venenatis. Nullam ullamcorper mattis est. Aliquam sagittis ante sit amet enim. Duis ac mi. Pellentesque nulla nulla, fringilla
a, rhoncus sed, consect...

The following configurations are supported by Kentico. Other configurations may work too, but the system was not tested on them. Server-side Requirements Windows 7 (both 32bit and 64bit) or Windows 8 (both 32bit and 64bit), or corresponding server versions
- Windows Serv...