BBYO Liberty Region is comprised of chapters along Eastern Pennsylvania (including Philadelphia), Delaware, and two areas of upstate New York: Binghamton and Elmira. By becoming a member of Liberty Region and one of our more than 20 chapters, teens are afforded the opportunity to experience local programming in their communities, regional programming at our five annual conventions, and international programming at large scale conferences and immersive BBYO Summer Experiences. Liberty Region teens develop leadership skills, participate in local and regional community service projects, take part in athletic and social programming, and are given a safe space to be themselves while connecting with other Jewish teens.
Teen Leaders
BBG XXth Regional Board
N’siah: First Last-Name
Sganit: First Last-Name
Yehudiah: First Last-Name
Aym Ha Chaverot: First Last-Name
Gizborit: First Last-Name
Mazkirah: First Last-Name
AZA XXth Regional Board
Godol: First Last-Name
S’gan: First Last-Name
Chaver: First Last-Name
Moreh: First Last-Name
Gizbor: First Last-Name
Mazkir: First Last-Name
First Last-Name
First Last-Name
First Last-Name
First Last-Name
3440 Colonial Ct.
Allentown, PA 181014 -
Phone: 610-351-2444
Fax: 610-4335-2859