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Board of Directors
The BBYO, Inc. International Board of Directors is the organization's governing body, comprised of key Jewish philanthropists, Jewish community leaders, BBYO alumni, Jewish Federation leadership, BBYO’s International Teen Presidents (the Grand Aleph Godol and International N’siah) and local and regional BBYO lay leaders. Board members are committed to Jewish youth and to building future Jewish leadership, influential in their communities and willing to help guide and assist the organization as it charts its course for the future. The Board of Directors' responsibilities include determining policy, supporting fundraising efforts, approving partnerships with other agencies, establishing new organization committees and task forces.
- Walter Solomon, Board Chair, Lexington, KY
- Estee Portnoy, Past Chair, Bethesda, MD
- Rob Ruby, Vice Chair, Piedmont, CA
- Ruth Suzman, Vice Chair, Scarsdale, NY
- Steven Price, Treasurer, Scarsdale, NY
- Judith Finer Freedman, Secretary, Toronto, ON
- Matthew Grossman, BBYO Chief Executive Officer, Washington, DC
If you are interested in joining the International Board of Directors, please contact Stacey Apter.
David Brown
Laura Katz Cutler
Lisa B. Eisen
Susan Goldsmith
Randall Kaplan
Lauren Keats, 71st International N'siah
International President of the B'nai B'rith Girls
Lois Kohn Claar
Lee Kohrman
Ted Perlman
Marc Saperstein
Lynn Schusterman
Stacy Schusterman
Ricky Shechtel
Colin Silverman,90th Grand Aleph Godol
International President of the Aleph Zadik Aleph