Planned Giving
Planned Giving Welcome! We are pleased that you have an interest in learning about the many benefits of making a planned gift. If you have any questions about the best way for you to benefit through a planned gift, please call 202-857-6561 FREE. A member of our Planned Giving Team will be very pleased to help you.

Donor Stories
Learn how others have made an impact through their acts of giving to BBYO and other organizations.

Gift Options
Find out What to Give and learn about the best assets to make a planned gift. Learn about gifts of cash, securities and property. Learn How to Give and discover gift options that provide tax and income benefits. Discover the best planned gift to meet your goals.

Personal Planner
Family Business - Sell and Retire
Bill and Alice started their family business many years ago. The early years were very challenging. Both worked without salary and it was a great struggle to finally get the business on a solid...

Washington News
IRS Charitable Contribution Tips
In IR-2016-50 the IRS reminded taxpayers to follow appropriate charitable contribution guidelines. 1. Records – For gifts of $250 or more, you need a contemporaneous written acknowledgement....