BBYO Connect
BBYO Connect is the BBYO experience made just for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students offering social and meaningful experiences that will serve as a gateway to continued involvement in Jewish life.
BBYO Connect offers teens a variety of experiences to help bridge the gap between immediate pre- and post- Bar/Bat Mitzvah and high school programs. The purpose is to provide middle school students with a positive experience in which they can get together with camp, school, and synagogue friends, as well as meet new friends. BBYO Connect allows middle school students to begin experiencing the privileges and obligations of being a member of the Jewish and general communities. Focused on service, social, and Judaic programming, BBYO Connect builds a network of teens across North America at a critical age when middle school students begin to strengthen their identities, form social circles and prepare for high school and beyond.
For more information on BBYO Connect programs in your community, please contact your local staff today!
Engaging with AZA and BBG Members
The BBYO Connect experience utilizes participation and leadership from AZA and BBG members. By taking ownership over the local BBYO Connect experience, these members serve as an example of proud Jewish teenagers and positive role models to a younger audience, enabling middle school students to envision their continued participation in Jewish life through high school and beyond.

Special Offers for BBYO Connect!
Summer Opportunity on Trek West USA Connect
An adventure touring experience in the American West for current 7th and 8th graders. Travel throughout Northern California and onto to the famous national parks of Yosemite, Zion, and the Grand Canyon. Balance your summer with challenging outdoors experiences and must-do touring. Learn more about Trek West USA Connect.
Worldwide Travel Opportunities for the Whole Family
BBYO Connect teens and their families are invited to travel with BBYO Passport on our Family Journeys, including Israel, Italy and March of the Living experiences. Create your own family memories with us. Click here to learn more about our Adult and Family Passport travel opportunities.